This is me, apparently turning 9. So the year would be 1975. And in the background? The bicentennial wallpaper. The photo is faded, but the wallpaper was VIBRANT red, white and blue. And the fact that it was up in February of 1975 for the bicentennial celebration of '76? That's right. TOTALLY AHEAD OF THE TREND.
On close inspection, you'll find eagles, the Liberty Bell and minutemen. Plus, like, roosters.
I've got other groovy pics to scan when I get home. I grabbed this one with my ghetto laptop web cam. The photos serve to prove that I have been totally awesome my entirely life. Seriously.
PS: Good news! We did not suffer avalanche, home invasion or fire last night. Score!
That wallpaper is DA BOMB! Priceless. Thanks ever so much for sharing.
jesus. i can't believe you survived that wallpaper. i'm sure i remember watchinga 20/20 about how that exact wallpaper caused seizures and learning disabilities in children of the 70s.
We had bicentenial vinyl floorcovering in our house. It wasn't nearly as cool or vibrant, but there where liberty bells. I do believe that flooring was still in that house when my parents sold it -- in 1989!
we had a couch with that print, and the entire basement was that decor. funny.
I think I had a dress made from something like that wallpaper during the bicentennial celebrations...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY btw :D Enjoy your vacation!
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