2. Some of my lifestyle changes of the last year are now habits, but unfortunately, not all of them.
3. I have high hopes for economic recovery, but unfortunately I don't think it'll be in my lifetime.
4. I had never heard the phrase "dirty sanchez" and it totally skeeved me out when I learned what it was. Ew.
5. I think I just overshared in No. 4, the way I always do.
6. How was I to know everything would implode on me all in the same week? Had I know, I would have medicated appropriately.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to being home alone, tomorrow my plans include a very exciting work assignment (not) and Sunday, I want to clean out my closet (glamorous, I know!)!
Ok - what is a dirty sanchez? I was raised in the woods so I don't know much.....And i will probably be embarassed for asking - right?
I agree with #3, but I hope we're wrong.
#4...AHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks, I needed a laugh :-)
Now I have to Google "dirty sanchez." What could it possibly be?????
I must know.
See ya.
Because inquiring minds want to know... check the dirty sanchez definition on urban dictionary. Be warned. It's ick.
i am afraid of #4. too afraid to look it up.
I do not want to know what caused you to learn this, my dear one.
Blech. Must get that image from my mind. No one would actually do such a perversion, would they?
Don't answer that.
Must think happy thoughts. Unicorns and rainbows and hammocks and daisies and banana cream pie.
There, all better.
*****checking http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dirty+sanchez*****
Oh my God.
I fear I have ruined the innocence of several blog-reading mommas with that dirty sanchez reference. Sorry!
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