Friday, April 10, 2009

Big weekend

Friday night: got to the Lakers v. Blazers game with my husband and two of his buddies. For our wedding anniversary. No lie. Romantic, much?

Saturday: cleaning my house and going to "Rat Pack" with my brother in law, the best date of all time.

Sunday: four mile run with the marathon training group at 8 am, and hosting dinner for 23 adults and 7 children at noon, complete with Auntie Shana's billion egg egg hunt. 

Anyone else have big weekend plans?


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

We are thick into the weekend: slumber party and church egghunt; bowling with friends and Easter/volleyball. Whew. I'm tired. Or maybe it's because I'm trying to tame seven 8 year olds...

Margy said...

I know you did awesome with the run - me not so much. Resting on my ever increasing in size laurels from February. I haven't even been to the gym for the last week.....