Wednesday, May 20, 2009

not dead...

Just overworked. Overwhelmed. Hopefully regaining some sense of sanity this weekend when I will be... drumroll please... home alone overnight. Seriously? I can't even tell you how much I am looking forward to that.

My house is a sty. Because? Working.

My ass is growing larger. Because? Eating crap food, no time to cook... because? Working.

Laundry? Stacked miles high.

The locks of love/hate drama is over. Thank God!

Ran nine miles on Sunday and lived to tell the tale. Also? Bought a heart rate monitor that I have been using when I run and, guess what? I am, like, THISCLOSE to exploding apparently.

Lots of partial blog posts swirling in my head, which I will hopefully be able to get out this weekend when I am, let's say it again, HOME ALONE.

Oh, and DWTS? Shawn? Puh-lease. This man? Robbed.


Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I didn't watch DWTS - it took me a minute to figure out your FB today, because I didn't know what Carley was bummed about - but he is pretty.

Very pretty.

chiara said...

I don't know about the whole heart rate thing. I am regularly around 160 when I am just running at normal pace (like run 10+ miles pace). That seems high for an hour+ long run. So, I don't know how I feel about training with the whole heart rate stuff.

Keetha said...

Enjoy your night alone. It sounds welcome and well deserved.

Cat said...

I was about to send out the blogger 911 to check on you. Glad you're still alive.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

your life sounds like a lot like mine right now. jumbo butt included. off to NOT blog, and probably not fold laundry either...