I found the lid to a sippy cup in the kitchen. Since our 'baby' is 10 years old, this is proof that Tim is obviously keeping a second family here. I expect a barefoot countrywoman dragging a scraggily toddler to come running out of the woods at any moment for a "he's mine" confrontation.
The birds howled and screamed all night long. Not tweeting and twirping but painful horror movie sounds. And it has been raining since we got here. And there is no coffee.
As soon as Tim returns from fishing and/or visiting his other wife and child, we are on the road to Port Angeles via a pit stop in Forks. This time tomorrow I will be running a hilly 13 miles and hoping not to encounter a bear. Whose idea was this stupid weekend anyway?
I am NOT a camper - I don't need luxury - I just appreciate it and luxury to me is running hot water and a toilet I can flush.
Can't wait to hear about the half mary - you will ROCK!!
yoru comment about the second family secret made me smile :)
maybe his other wife can come clean your house ?
I am so excited for you - for the marathon, for the Forks pilgrimage.
As for noisy birds, I am so sorry.
I hope you get enough sleep for that big run ahead.
I'll go run two miles and think of you when I'm done and how you still have 12 to go. See what friends are for?
Wow! That sounds....um....super fun.
Wish I was you.
Have you asked him about the sippy cup? This could be interesting.
I don't camp. A cabin, with doors that lock and electricity, yes. Camping? Not so much.
My Mom would've loved this post...she HATED camping, was a true city girl, but went anyway cause we kids loved it.
this was hilarious. i don't think i'll like tim's other wife as much as i do you.
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