Monday, May 2, 2011


Swirling brain, always so much to think about...

Decided to restore the natural order and return my hair to the color it is supposed to be. Fuck gray hair. Fuck aging gracefully. 45 is the new 30, or some such.

Now that my hair is youthful once more, time for some botox and "filler" in strategic spots. I am not going down without a fight.

I've been thinking about getting back to that blog thing, you know, the one where we log on and write stuff on our blogs? Yeah. That one.

I'm training for a half marathon that is happening on June 19, which is, like, right around the corner. I ran six miles this weekend and my knees and ankles remind me every step of the way that I am not in shape. That'll make you think, for sure.

Heading to Seattle in early June for a long weekend with my man, Bono. And a little side action with Lenny Kravitz. And Tim will be coming along too ; )

Erinna is graduating from high school in a few weeks, plans for college in the fall are all falling into place. She'll be going away to school, but moving into our little dollhouse condo for the summer. Lots of transition.

I'm going to become a mother-in-law in August. But before I am labeled a mother-in-law, I get to be the mother-of-the-bride. I plan to rock it. Hard core.

I went to a Shambalha meditation workshop to learn how to settle my fucking brain down. I've also got a new batch of homeopathic shit from my naturopath for the same issue. And yet the insomnia and the spiraling thoughts at all hours of the night/early morning rage on.

I've been working long hours, running when I'm not working, scheming and daydreaming as I recuperate from my runs, neglecting and missing my friends.

Time to regroup.


Maggie May said...

ohmygosh a mother in law! how thrilling and strange all at once. you look great in your not fucking gray hair :)

Keetha said...

For sure. New haircolor is a great way to start!

Kathy said...

Go easy on yourself. Taming the monkey mind takes time and practice, lots of'll get there.
and cute hair!

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Wow! You've got a lot going on, girl! Love the hair. Let me know if you do try the botox. I am...interested in how that whole process works...

Someone in my house takes MELATONIN to help w/ racing thoughts at bedtime...