Yeah, I know, first world problems.
Speaking of first world problems... this is Carlie at 9:40 this morning.
And this is Carlie at 11:30 this morning. Notice anything different? In her toothal region, to be specific. And yeah, toothal is not a word. I know.
Now here's me at 9:40 this morning... And here's me at 11:30 this morning...
Let's celebrate in haiku, shall we? This week's theme: Fleeting. How appropriate.
Money comes and goes
I won't always be broke, right?
The smile is worth it
I agree with Cheri, the smile is worth it.
In April, we went to England and France, then came back and put braces on one child's mouth AND had to pay our taxes. It was a financially painful month.
I had braces, and I love my parents even more for making the monetary sacrifice (I realize now how much they did on as little as was coming in and am amazed).
I do wish I had worn my retainers more, especially while my wisdom teeth were pushing their way in.
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