My day turned out to be pretty productive. Not in an income-generating way, but in a mental health way. Spent the day with my two best knitty friends and made a hat and ate split-pea soup and cookies and laughed and gossiped and didn't do chores or mope.
I tried to get a close up so you could see the cabling on the hat. The pattern is a freebie if anyone is interested in whipping up a quick hat.

It's time to go forage through the pantry and make a plan for dinner. Actually, the time to do that was some time prior to 5:20 p.m., which it is now, but oh well.
My big plan for tomorrow was to work, work, work so I don't get bogged down and freaked out again. I did commit to a 10-mile bike ride along the river in the morning. But after that, it's all work, no play.
Thanks for the emails and texts and phone calls today. I didn't realize how morose my meltdown post this morning was until rereading it now. I so need to get over myself.
Cute hat! Why do we have so many knitters in this area yet I never seem to see those hats in stores? I want something like that. (And no, of course I don't knit. Maybe someday.)
I love the hat! Knitting is something I always wanted to learn...just haven't done it.
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