Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Seems like yesterday I couldn't knit without the kitty going apeshit for the yarn. Now, not so much. I guess we are all getting older, it's not just me and the Beastie Boys.


Margy said...

Mine are the same way, although they still want to jump on my lap when I'm trying to read the paper or quilt. The good thing is they don't jump on the furniture & knock my wine over anymore....

Cynthia said...

Nope not just you...My kitty is getting older too. I wish that meant he would stop jumping on my head at 4 in the morning:P

Margy said...

OMG - I just saw this from FOX NEWS - don't know why I went there but you should royalties for breaking the story first - re: your trophy post. I couldn't get the exact link (DAMN YOU FOX NEWS!) but go to their main page and look for the video story about raising smug kids. The MD they interview discusses all kids getting trophies -you are so ahead of the curve!