Friday, November 21, 2008


Can you think of a better way to end a night of great conversation, good food and cocktails with beautiful blogging divas (and one non-blogging diva!)? Why, with hand-churned ice cream made with organic milk, that's how. My selection: mini-scoops of pumpkin pie, milk chocolate and candy cane. With a cookie. Thanks to the local blogging ladies for a fun night.


stephanie said...

Yes, all good. Thank YOU for organizing us :D

Lia Hollander said...

i should have gone with what you got! I got way too much food.

Awesome to meet you. Can't wait to see you more!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, that looks delish. I enjoy food.

Anyway,you have achieved greatness and total heaviosity. You are my Comment of the Week on my blog.

Congratulations. Your work here is finished.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

It was so nice meeting you last night. We must diva again soon.

Fantastic Forrest said...

So fun! I second Lisa's emotion.