Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to party like a 10 year old

1. Call up your two best friends for a 2-day sleepover.

2. Have lunch at a skeezy Chinese buffet that you lurve that your parents refuse to go to unless it is, like, your birthday.

3. Go swimming and have the entire ginormous pool to yourselves.

4. After swimming, go to a movie (Bedtime Stories).

5. Give each other manicures.

6. Have Doritos for dinner.

7. Play boardgames until midnight.

8. Have donuts for breakfast.

9. Make chocolate covered, candy dipped pretzels for party favors.

10. That's how we do.


Keetha said...

Dude. Where was my invite? That sounds wonderful.

Now I'm craving Doritos.

Cat said...

The perfect birthday. I wish I had thought of it for my own.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

My kids love that pool.

(Happy birthday to your girl.)