Saturday, November 7, 2009

Is she going to *get it*? Or think I'm retarded?

I am going to a wedding reception later this afternoon. It's for a friend that I have not seen in over a year. She got married in Jamaica last week. I'm really looking forward to seeing her and going to her reception and sharing in this celebration. The couple are grown ups, having established their household together years ago, and as such have not registered for gifts and specifically included on their invitation, no gifts please.

So of course I have spent the last week obsessing on a gift. Because I cannot go anywhere without a gift.

I decided to make something for the bride. Something fun. Not a wedding present, but a fun jokey type crafty present. Because I'm kind of known by my friends for being something of a crafting nightmare.

And besides our chosen careers and our years of agonizing court reporting school together, the one thing this friend and I share is our undying love of all things Prison Break. I could go off on a really long Wentworth Miller tangent here. But let's just let the man stand on his own merits. Oh, Wentworth.

ANYWAY... after three trips to the craft store and hours spent searching the Internet... I present to you the Prison Break Charm Bracelet. For a bride. At her wedding reception. Behold the splendor of my craftiness...
Now I am wondering... will she *get it* or will she think I am the worst gift-giver of all time. And also retarded.


Unknown said...

She'll get it. I'm sure she'll think it's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

she will love it. And I would like to put an order in for Sons of Anarchy please. :)


Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

she will love it!

my husband is the worst gift giver ever. he had a gift exchange at his fancy-pantsy law firm years ago. he thought it was gag gifts, but it wasn't. you should have seen the major partner opening a box full of nails and one ankle weight. nice.

Keetha said...

I think she will thank you for the most awesome gift ever.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I love it. I love these kind of gifts.