Friday, April 2, 2010

Moving on down, to the riverfront

My new backyard

Well, allrighty then. It's a done deal. We're moving. GAH! EEK! SQUEEE! BARF! YAY! Mixed emotions, who?

We have decided to go with Option No. 3, which has always been our first choice, but I got sidetracked. We're renting a three bedroom townhouse at Northwynd Condominiums, on the Columbia River. Or, more accurately, on the Renaissance Trail along the Columbia River.

The townhouse is furnished, but the lovely older couple who own it are willing to pull some things out. And the lovely couple that are renting our house are leaving most of their furniture in their house (long story) and would love to use most of our furniture. So basically we'll leave our house almost "as is" and come back to it after this adventure with our stuff intact. How crazy is this whole thing?

We are moving in the weekend of May 22. Which gives me eight weeks to pack up a house that we've lived in since 1997. I am equal measures of excited and overwhelmed and bouncing between pack and save everything and toss and burn everything. I'm hoping that my friend zinfandel will help me find a good middle ground.

As for this holiday weekend, will we be spending it sorting and packing? Why no, we won't. Of course not. We're spending tonight at a dance event with Carlie (where she will be doing a *spotlight* cha cha, video tba). Tomorrow we're heading to the coast to enjoy the predicted 30 degree bluster and rain by bunkering down with the girls for an all day Glee marathon. Sunday we're having an Easter brunch in Astoria and then heading home.

Happy Easter, bloggy friends!

PS: Sometime next week I will hit my 800th post (yikes) and have yet to come up with a fabulous idea to mark this momentous occasion. Ideas?


katydidnot said...

For your 800th post celebration, I think you should spend a week in San Diego.

Amy *aka willa* said...

Congratulations!!!! I can't wait to see it! I'll help move if you're paying in booze and pizza or equivalent!

Cat said...

You have a lovely Easter yourself.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

yay! great choice! you'll love it!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

I am so excited for you, Shana. Now enjoy that brunch and take care. ox

chiara said...

So funny how this stuff works out - in two years I would think your house will have appreciated and the market won't totally suck ass like it does now.

Don't forget to show us pics of the new place! Even if it isn't your furniture, whatever.

Keetha said...

Congrats! Decision made, which must feel great, AND everything worked out. Win/win/win.

My wish for you is stress free packing and moving (what? It could happen) and lots of bubble wrap for breakables. Also, hunky moving guys.

Fantastic Forrest said...

How was the brunch? I am jealous. We need to talk about Mother's Day brunch - our family always does Timberline Lodge, and it is WONDERFUL. I think you guys should do it too.

My menfolk are available to help you move - hunky guys indeed. :)