Somewhere between the madness of Hoarders and the fabulosity of American Pickers is... me. It's a fine line, that line between BUYING EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME and picking up random treasures as opportunities present themselves. I've had an excellent run of treasure hunting lately, feeding my crazy love for anything and everything from the 60s and 70s, so behold the fruits of my labors.

"Hollow" wooden lamp with barrel shade, circa 1960s. Consignment store, $29

1970s ceramic lamp with HUGE barrel shade. And in front of the lamp? GRAPES! Amber colored grape cluster with driftwood stem. OMG. Could you die? Lamp $18 and grapes $10 at the Antiques and Collectible show in Portland last weekend

Alacite lamps by Alladain with calla lilly pattern, circa 1951. In chartreuse! THEY ARE DIVINE. Picked up a pair of them at a garage sale for $30. For the pair! Added shades from Target for $10 each and these are by far my favorite thing ever. And as a bonus, I've priced them online for over $200 each. Booyah! Best. Garage. Sale. Find. Ever.

Another find that is officially one of my favorite things in the universe. Two serigraphs, signed by the artist, David Weidman, and dated 1974. I saw these in a consignment store while Tim was fishing in Alaska, matted and framed in gold (ick) metal frames, $60 for the pair. They're kind of HUGE so I wanted to let Tim see them before I bought them, and luckily they were still there the next week and they had been marked down to $50 for the pair. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Painted the frames black and hung them. The owls and the Alladain lamps are so beyond a perfect match for the yellow and green bedding that we already have. PERFECT.

And lastly, I picked up this dropleaf table, built in the mid 60s. I don't even need a table, but I fell in love with it. It's currently in my garage waiting for me to find the perfect chairs. It's in near perfect condition and has character out the wazoo.
So there you go, my treasures of 2010. On my need list: midcentury coffee table, new but retro style couch, and I'm considering replacing Carlie's queen bed with two twins. Oh, and of course the hunt is on for the perfect dining chairs.
Good lord, I want so badly to go shopping with you.
Super fun and inspiring! Love your new place!
I love the lamps...they are gorgeous :)
Our thrift shops seem to only go back to the 90's - sometimes with a slight dip into the eighties. Certainly nothing as cool as you've found.
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