Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ThankFall... get it? Like being thankful in the fall?

My beautiful friend Mama Milton has been posting things that she is thankful for this month. Because she's beautiful on the inside too. So in a desperate attempt to conjure up some content and continue my 10-day NaBloMoFo streak, I'm stealing her idea.

Our little condo on the river is surrounded by trees that are stunning in their fall leaves.

Beautiful fall leaves which create a huge mess. This photo is one day AFTER a crew came through for landscaping and picked up every. single. leaf.

One of my favorite things about our little condo on the river? The use of the word "crew" when referencing anything maintenance or yardwork related, wherein I am not part of said crew.

So every day, like magic, this...
... is transformed into this...
... with zero effort on my part.

Thankful for our home.
And my iPhone camera.


Amy *aka willa* said...

*sigh* I need a crew. You know, one that actually works and doesn't bitch about it every 5 seconds.

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

sounds wonderful! jumping in leaf piles lost its allure after we got a dog (and poop)

Keetha said...

I like the leaves, and while I don't mind raking them, I don't like the part where they go from the ground into the big black garbage bag. No fun at all.