Wednesday, December 17, 2008

UnSnow Day Update

Literally every school district within 50 miles of my house has cancelled classes for the day ... except ours.

I understand it now. This is because of the evil thoughts I was having at the school Christmas play last night. 

Dear Jesus, 

I am sorry that I mentally mocked the children singing your praises. Please cancel school now. 

Thank you and Amen.


Amy *aka willa* said...

Dude....that ain't right.

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

You are the lone troopers this morning. That sucks!

Maybe tomorrow?

LarryG said...

See what happens when you mess with little kids and their "Christmas mojo" !!! It's a scarey scarey world.

Hey Shana, I got my mobile blog
If you have time to stop in and make a comment. Let me know if you are able comment.

I had to register my phone's txt msg addy and the same phone has a different multimedia msg addy, so I had a second registration from my phone to do.
Anyhow, thanks again.

stephanie said...

Wait, that can't be the cause - Jen, Lisa & I horribly mocked the musicians during their Christmas concert Monday night and our schools are closed today...

Uh oh, apparently you did some other terrible dark thing. Find it fast! :D