Thursday, April 22, 2010

Momma needs some "me" time with the girls... Happy Weekend!

This is extremely offensive and profane. So if you're a delicate flower, skip it. Thanks to my girl San Diego Momma for the link. Spread the love, let's take this mother viral.


Cat said...

Shana, you serve a very important function in my life, by combing the internet for the most entertaining bits. All I have to do is watch it.

katydidnot said...


dkuroiwa said...

Not 5 minutes after I posted pictures from our GNO from last weekend, a friend sent this to me and I laughed and laughed....oh yeah. "and then you're talking 'bout your husband's junk".

Sally Brooks said...

Thanks ladies! And thank you so much for posting the video...I really appreciate it!!!